There are people who want to be helped and there are people who don’t. That’s just the way it is. I totally get that. I can’t help everyone to OWN IT, because Not Everyone Wants To Be Helped.
Some people are content in their own misery and staying put in a life that they don’t really own. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone’s different.
It’s a simple fact of life that it’s easier to have an average life devoid of purpose and passion than it is to create a wonderful life that’s extraordinary, inspiring and meaningful. One where you regularly push yourself beyond your comfort zone to achieve new standards and break free of the constraints of a normal life.
It Takes Real Courage To Stand Out.
But more than that. It takes commitment and determination. And a lot of work. You don’t just wake up one morning with a massive dream of buying an investment property and have achieved it by the next day.
So when you are thinking of getting expert support to achieve your property and lifestyle goals, think about it like this.
It is for people who get that change is possible, progress CAN be made and the chances of success are much bigger when you have somebody by your side:
*Someone who has already done what you are wanting to do
*Someone who believes in you, even on those days when you don’t,
*Someone who will kick your butt with love, when you need it most.
For me as a Property Coach it’s like this:
Theoretically, it’s ridiculously cheap to get started in property these days. Interest rates are low and there are plenty of great deals around. You can even pull it off with little or no knowledge, and many people try.
But what most forget is that a small investment now has the potential to make you hundreds of thousands of dollars down the track.
People tell me they want to grow their property portfolio when they’re ready, in a few years or so. What they are really saying is: ‘hey, I don’t care how long I take to do this. I’m happy doing the hard yakka for years and years. I just don’t want to get out of my warm and fuzzy comfort zone.’
If that’s how you really feel, you’re absolutely entitled to. But what I’ve learnt is that to make an impact, it’s vital to create some momentum. And if you’re not getting anywhere fast right now, then you have to change something.
I can only help people who understand that there’s no progress without some form of investment. If you want to make more money, you have to invest in your education and the protection of your own future.
If you want to dramatically improve your investment results, you have to make some dramatic changes. You CAN do it. You might even be able to figure it all out on your own. But you’re a lot less likely to make it on your own.
If you are serious about buying property, you have to invest into it. You have to learn how to create momentum, make the best decisions and make profit, so you can start calling the shots and have control over your own future, creating leverage and even more of a solid future with the profit you have made.
Only when your properties are profitable, and the profitability becomes sustainable will it start to give you the life that you set out to create…a life that has more freedom, more choice, more meaning and creativity, more alignment, more fun and more passion.
It is then that you will truly OWN IT!